
Managing Finances in Uncertain Times: A Plan for Senior Adults

Senior couple

A global health crisis, unexpected medical diagnosis, catastrophic weather event, 或者国家经济衰退会很快取消你即将到来的退休计划. 你的第一反应可能是推迟退休或修改你的投资组合. While you may need to take these actions, there are other options.

除了使用下面的清单来帮助你在不确定的时期管理你的财务, 老年人还应该访问以下网站,以确定他们的福利在经济不确定时期可能受到的影响.

The Official U.S. Government Site for Medicare

Social Security Administration

Internal Revenue Service

Budget Refresh Checklist

无论经济状况如何,制定预算都是成功理财的基础. 使用这个清单来帮助创建或改进你当前的预算流程,实现你现在和将来的沙巴买球.

  • Select a system to track income and expenses. 这可以是一个移动应用程序,一个在线电子表格,或者一支铅笔和一张纸. 至少,该系统必须包括一个地方输入收入以及固定和可变费用.
  • Calculate your take-home pay from all available sources. This includes income from a traditional employer and side gigs.
  • Gather last month's billing statements for easy reference. 输入所有固定费用所需的付款和到期日期,例如.g., mortgage or rent, cell phone, student loan, etc., into your chosen budget tracking system.
  • 参考最近三个月的沙巴买球对账单和收据,平均并记录每个可变费用类别的花费, e.g., groceries, car gas, entertainment, etc.
  • 你的预算工具可以一键告诉你,你是否超支或有盈余收入.
  • If you're committed to a manual process, 简单地计算一下你的状况,把你的可变费用和固定费用加在一起,然后从你的收入中减去总额.

Are you spending less than you earn? Congratulations! You have surplus income. 把多余的钱存入一个专门的储蓄账户,只有在紧急情况下才会用到. 如果你失业了,或者有一笔必要的开支会破坏你的预算,这个账户里的钱可以帮助你支付账单.

Is the amount you're spending equal to or more than your income? 运用以下费用削减清单中的建议来创造盈余收入.

If you lose your income...
Contact your state and local government offices for assistance. 这可能包括申请失业和获得其他医疗福利.

Expense Reduction Checklist


  • Review your fixed costs. 住房费用可能是你最大的固定开支,也会给你的预算带来最大的缓解. 你是否能够做出其他的生活安排,比如搬去和家人住? 你能搬到小一点的房子或者找个室友分摊费用吗?
  • Review your variable expenses. Eliminate entertainment expenses and choose free entertainment. 获得一张社区图书卡,免费借阅电子书、有声书和音乐.
  • Explore your options. 联系债权人和放款人,确定你是否可以获得较低的贷款利率或将余额转移到利率较低的账户. 他们也可能愿意暂时免除费用或允许你跳过债务支付, without penalty, if you explain your financial situation.

如果你是一个有收入的房主,你也许可以为你的抵押贷款再融资. 低利率的再融资意味着更低的月供. 拨打800-444-4816与科罗拉多州信用合作社联系,看看你是否符合资格.

  • Plan meals. Use websites and mobile apps like Supercook, 这样你就可以根据食品储藏室里的食物来计划食物了吗.
  • Shop around for lower cost services. 你可能只需要打个电话就能找到更便宜的手机服务或汽车保险.
  • 使用你的新沙巴体育网机构的网上沙巴买球或手机应用程序来安排固定费用的自动支付. 这将有助于确保账单按时支付,并可以帮助你避免滞纳金.

If you're a homeowner still earning an income...

You may qualify for a home equity line of credit (HELOC). 该贷款允许您使用支票和与您的帐户绑定的VISA信用卡来获取现金, as you need it. 拨打800-444-4816与科罗拉多州信用合作社联系,看看你是否符合资格.

  • 如果难以按时支付账单,联系债权人调整到期日.
  • 避免根据情绪或全天候的新闻周期来改变你的投资组合. Speak with a trusted financial planner regarding your investments. 他们可能更有能力就当前形势如何影响你的退休计划提供专家指导.


You might want to consider a reverse mortgage. Reserved for seniors 62 years of age or older, 这种类型的抵押贷款类似于HELOC,因为它需要你的房屋作为抵押品. A home equity conversion mortgage (HECM) is one of the most common types of reverse mortgages.

HECMs may be more expensive than a traditional HELOC, but you do not need to repay the loan until you sell your home, move, or die. Due to the rules and costs associated with reverse mortgages, 高年级学生在申请高等教育管理硕士之前,应首先仔细审查其他选择. 最好和专业人士讨论一下你的情况. Find a HUD-approved HECM counselor by visiting the U.S. 住房和城市发展部(HUD)网站或致电800-569-4287.

How to Avoid Scams Checklist

Scammers are always looking for victims. 在经济不稳定时期,他们加班加点利用人们的恐惧.

  • Stay alert to potential fraud by:
  • Hanging up on robocalls.
  • Ignoring emails and texts from unknown sources.
  • 访问官方政府网站,了解有关您的福利或其他救灾计划变化的最新信息.

For more information on how to protect your accounts visit the Security Resources page.